future of food
The global food system is a major driver of climate change. In 2050 the world population will be close to 10 billion people, the environmental effects of the food system during this period could increase by 50–90%. Without concerted action, our food system is a threat of being destabilised. We know through many studies that dietary changes towards healthy and more plant-based diets are essential to avoid dangerous levels of climate change.
Besides climate change there is also a global question about why we farm and eat animals given the advanced technology we have at hand. wtf
We are making a start by reducing animal products by creating kickass animal free (AF) products. We can’t scale this on our own so our efforts will go into training an army of millennial food entrepreneurs.

Our story
The new millennial diet: consciousness.
Health, climate change and animal welfare are decision drivers for the next generation of consumers. We believe Australia is the best place for farming, packaging and manufacturing vegan food products. Our environment is pristine, our space is vast and our agriculture technology is developing in leaps and bounds.
Our challenge
Nature and the environment are part of the Australian lifestyle and we are seeing now more than ever a shift towards conscious business practices. We have created a challenge for ourselves to have a vegan replacement for every animal item on the supermarket shelves by 2030. To achieve this goal we are building a community of vegan entrepreneurs.
founder & CEO
Georgia Beattie is a serial entrepreneur with a mission to create better products for a sustainable future. Originally studying entrepreneurship in Boston & Melbourne, Georgia has started businesses in food, manufacturing and technology. After witnessing manufacturing practices from a young age in her own business, Georgia realised although millennials are buying products they are not in leadership roles within the companies producing these products.
Georgia’s personal challenge is to help create 10 new conscious food entrepreneurs per year.

how you can help
Start a vegan business
Buy vegan products
- Kale by LyraThemes.com.